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Windy City Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage

A Prayerful Walk of Solidarity

This holy season, a global faith movement is walking in prayerful solidarity with the people of Gaza. Come walk with us in Chicago on Saturday, March 23.


A pilgrimage is a sacred journey, a prayer with one’s body – be it by foot, or wheelchair, or taking a posture of devotion – to a sacred place with the desire to turn one’s heart to God and others. 


Our Prayers

The Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage is a meditative entering into the suffering of what the people of Palestine are experiencing. Each step is a prayer for every life taken and those left behind.


This pilgrimage has truly become an interfaith event as members of multiple religious communities have joined in solidarity.


Together, we are calling for:


An enduring ceasefire


Immediate flow of life saving food, water, aid, fuel and humanitarian assistance into Gaza


Release of all hostages, both the Israeli hostages held by Hamas and the Palestinian hostages held without charge in the Israeli prison system


End of occupation and achievement of a just peace

How to Participate

Let us Know You're Coming

Let us know you are coming--it will help us get ready for you. You can register in either of two ways, on the Churches for Middle East Peace website or on the FaceBook event page.


When is the event?

The pilgrimage will be held Saturday, March 23 from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm. There will be a short program before we begin walking. Most people will finish walking by 12:00 pm.


What if I can't walk that far?

That's ok! We will provide everyone with a prayer guide that can be used even if you don't participate in the walk.


Where is the event?

We will meet at 400 West Montrose Harbor Drive, Chicago, IL 60640. We will walk a 3 mile loop along the waterfront

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Should I make a sign?

We encourage you to make a sign to carry while we walk. With the prayerful spirit of the event in mind, please focus your messaging on the basics, calling for ceasefire, caring for children, valuing life, ending suffering, and seeking just peace. We will also be carrying a large Palestinian flag. You are also welcome to wear your keffiyehs and other appropriate cultural or religious regalia.

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What will we do?

10:00 am

A brief welcome and prayers of preparation in the park from religious leaders. A time for orienting yourself and opening your heart to God.


10:10 am

We begin walking after the program. You can walk at your own pace. QR codes along the route will open prayer prompts and help you picture various scenes in Gaza as we move north to south. You are invited to envision yourself there as you pray quietly or in a group. 


12:00 pm

You are welcome to finish at your own pace and leave when you are done.

Local Partners

American Muslims for Palestine - Chicago

Chasing Justice

Chicago Faith Coalition of Middle East Policy

Christ Luthran Church - Albany Park

Churches for Middle East Peace - Chicago

Committee for a Just Peace in Palestine/Israel

Garden City Covenant Church

LaSalle Street Church

Missio Dei Chicago

Peace & Justice Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago


Want to partner?  Email

International Partners

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