A virtual pilgrimage across Gaza,
site to site, prayer to prayer

Gaza Virtual
So few of my family and friends and members of mainstream American society are familiar with Gaza and its people.
What do you know about Gaza? Where did you get that information? If you made a list of facts about Gaza, how long would it be?
For most, the list is very short and the information is poor. That's true for me too.
To learn more and to gain a deeper appreciation for Gaza and the Palestinians who live there, I started reading about particular places, constructing a map, and tracing the routes virtualy with my feet. To follow along and learn with me, see my dynamic map as I make my way north to south along the Gaza Strip in 2024.
Pray for:
An immediate and lasting ceasefire - As of May 17, there are an estimate 35,233 dead and 79,141 injured. Stop the killing.
Unhindered and sufficient access of humanitarian aid - Gaza depended on 400 trucks of aid per day before the war. Now, the humanitarian need are balooning while access of aid is being restricted. Famine is now spreading across Gaza.
Release of all hostages - Hamas still has hostages they took on October 7. Israel is still holding thousands of Palestinians indefinitely without charge. Many are minors. Pray that hostages will come home and families be reunited.
A just and durable resolution that ensures security, dignity, and freedom for all Israelis and Palestinians.
For America to enforce existing laws that require the government to cut off military aid to countries and units that violate humanitarian law and/or hinder US humanitarian aid from reaching its destination.
You can also use this five-part liturgy for Gaza individually or with a group.